Some Background Questions For Identifying Important Issues Of Grass Fed Whey Isolate
But then men started asking if they could buy it. “It started with men who were interested in bodybuilding…They say it is good for building muscle mass,” she said in an interview with a news wire service. She then set up a Facebook page to handle orders. So how impressive nutritionally is breast milk, anyway? Well, it’s clearly impressive for a baby, as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant's life, and then breastfeeding while introducing other foods into the baby's diet until the child is one year old. But that hardly means breast milk is equally as good for an adult. Breast milk is approximately 87% water, 7% lactose, 3.8% fat, and 1% protein. While breast milk nutrition changes depending on the baby’s age (and a mom's diet), the USDA says that one cup generally has 172 calories, 2.5 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat, and 16 grams of carbs. “When you actually look at the nutrition facts, that’s not a lo...